
Dear Friends,

The compass is a handy tool. It helps the user know where they are and how to find their way. Partly, for this reason, in our early years the Cobscook board chose the image of a compass as their symbol, and for years we referred to our board as the Compass Rose.

While in more recent years we’ve moved away from that moniker, our board, made up of local and regional volunteers, is a critical group that guides Cobscook in setting a direction in line with our mission, vision, and values. At their urging, we embarked on a process to assess and clarify Cobscook’s direction for the coming years. In this issue of Currents, we are pleased to share with you some of the results of that wayfinding. You’ll read about our work to create a new strategic plan, a map for the years to come. You’ll also read about some of the new and revived initiatives we’re digging into - a revived round of long-haul work to support improved well-being for all in our community. 

One of the grounding forces in our landscape, though, is continued feedback, ideas, and engagement with you. Cobscook does its work better when members of the community step up and in and help guide our work. It’s because of community feedback that we have an innovative high school program, which just entered its 13th year. It’s because of interest and activity from the community that the Monday Night Music circle has gone strong for over two decades. More recently, it’s because of community interest and engagement that we now have a professional print studio for digital photography and art, equipment to support paper making, ongoing pottery, yoga, and movement courses, and a Friday morning playgroup for younger members of our community. Community is the landscape of our map, and we also take direction from you. If you have an idea for a program, class, or initiative you’d like to see come to life, Cobscook can work with you to help make an idea a reality.

Stop by or give a call. We’d love to hear from you.